Monday, December 9, 2013

Chapter 20: Reflection

In this chapter I learned about attitudes, and they are beliefs and feelings about objects, people, and events that can affect how people behave in certain situations.  There is a process known as cognitive evaluation, which  also plays a role in the development of attitudes and refers to  evaluate evidence and form beliefs on the basic of their evaluations. Also there is something called Prejudice is a generalized attitude toward a specific group of people, and it literally means prejudgment. People who are prejudiced judge people on the basis of their group members rather than as individuals. Later I learned about a scapegoat; which is an individual or group that is blamed for problems of others.

The term scapegoating refers to aggression toward people  which are identified as the target. Attraction is a kind of attitude, an attitude of liking. Attraction to  another person often leads to friendship or live. Physical appearance tends to influence our choice of friends and patterns.  According to the matching hypothesis, people tend to choose as friends and partners those who are similar to themselves in attractiveness.  Friends are people for whom one has affection, respect, and trust. Most people value friends because of the reward that friendship offers. 

This was a very interesting chapter, since I got the opportunity to learn about all this different types of attitudes; and how they affect on your behavior, etc. and to find a way to have a solution and explanation for this.

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