Monday, December 9, 2013


Psychology defines stress as pressure or a force, and the arousal of one´s mind and body. There are two types of stress; Eustress is the one the will increase sharpness and motivation, and can keep people alert and involved(positive stress) and Distress is the negative stress, and involves intense pressure or anxiety that can have severe psychological and physical effects.

The sources of stress; Stressor, which are the events or situations that produces stress, and example can be two people might react to a long bus trip react differently. One might be relaxed and the other might be stress and unpleasant. Frustration is one of the most common sources of stress; Being at a store and really wanting to buy something and not having enough money to do so, this will cause frustration. High school and college students often experience stress that is related to family problems, relationships, pressures at school, loneliness, etc.

Daily Hassles are the everyday frustrations, different forms that will all cause stress. Examples could be: Households hassles, Health hassles, time-pressure hassles, environmental hassles, work hassles future security hassles. Life changes, moving, serious illness or death in a family are other sources of stress, even a new and positive events in a persons life can cause stress. Approach-approach conflict is the least stressful type of conflict because the choices are both positive. Avoidance-avoidance- A choice between two equally unattractive alternatives, Approach avoidance is a choice of weather or not to do something when part of the situations is attractive and often is not. Finally the Multiple approach avoidance, which is a choice between a alternatives that have both good and bad aspects.

Self Efficacy expectation, are the beliefs that people have they can accomplish goals they set for themselves, believing one can do it helps one reach the goal. Wanting to learn to speak another language, basketball, etc.
Psychological Hardiness is a personality characteristic that helps people withstand stress. To conclude Stress is a pressure or force that can cause many problems in life, also it can affect your health in may ways. But it can also be cured in some sort of way, if you set yourself to do it.

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