Biological perspective is based on the human brain which is built with many parts that work together to create movement, develop the way we think,make us feel emotion, and produce our behavior. Our brain is very complex and because of that if it got damage in any way It would drastically change our behavior. This are some of the most strange and rare cases, showing what will happened when the brain doesn’t work properly.
The first case is the phantom limb syndrome. The first patient is Derek. he lost his arm, the thing is, that his pain was in a place that no longer existed which is his arm. He felt pain in his phantom arm. As time goes by the pain went away. This happened because that left part of his brain got so used of that arm, that now it was still feeling it even though it wasn´t there anymore.The other patient was James. James also lost his hand in an accident. James felt that his phantom hand was always clenched so bad that it hurt. So, Doctor Ramachandra tested with a box, he needed to put his hand inside to see if he still feels his missing limb.
The second case is the blind sight case. With two types of separate pathways are the conscious and the unconscious. The conscious pathway is based in what we see like: color, form, shape, texture. The unconscious type of pathways only perceives movement. One of the patients with the name of graham, has an unconscious type of sight. He only see movement anything else he cant along other called Peggy, is a visual neglect and half of her world is not important to her. This cause her to only see half of things, because her brain chooses to ignore the other half of her environment.
The other case study is the Kapgra delusion. This disorder made a guy called david believe that all his family were a bunch of imposters. Incluiding his mother and father. The patient name is david, Once David woke up, he continuously said that the people that said that were his parents, weren’t actually his parents but imposters. David seem to have no problems when he talked to his parents on the phone, but once his parents where in front of him, somehow he did not had any emotional attachment. This show how the emotional disconnection between the familiar faces and the emotion their faces should bring once an image is shown to him. At the end David could recognize his parents and now he knew they were not imposters.
The forth and the last case study is an epilepsy. The patients in name is John. John had suffered from epilepsy almost all his life. The thing is, he suffered and epelepy and at moments he believed he was God himself. This is an epileptic attack is full of excess of emotion, sometimes is a sad emotion and sometimes is a happy emotion. For John due to his disease, John thought he was "god!" and that he had the power over everyone.
To conclude, I just want to say that the brain is really complex structure. basically our behavior and character. This Biological perspective can change the way we see, smell, and even touch things. This is where all case studies are from, They all have to do with a disorder in the brain.Question
Do people socially drink/and or smoke because of peer pressure?
I think there is a connection between peer pressure and actually being a social smoker and/or drinker. Some people smoke and drink just to see cool, not because they like it.
Target Population:
10th grade - 12th grade
Stratified, because I am not randomly asking people, I have a target population from 10th - 12th grade.
Testing Hypothesis
First I did the 10 question survey on discovery´s 10th grade - 12th grade and then, I actually went out on Friday here at a small party in my neighborhood, and started gathering some people asking them if they smoke or drink If they said yes I didn´t said anything to them, but if they said no I offered them alcohol or cigarettes until there was a point they said "yes" and at the end the majority of people where actually doing all these things not because they liked it, but because they wanted to "be liked"
Analyzing Results:
Real smokers/drinkers: Peer pressured people: Non smokers/drinkers:
30% 60% 10%
There was about 60% people that were doing all these things because they were being pressured by someone else, 10% people that didn´t smoke and drink at all and At the end just 30% of the people drink/or smoke because they actually like it.
In my opinion is ok to be or not to be a social drinker/smoker etc. Because you are taking your own decisions on what you want and what you don´t, and that´s the way people need to be for them to be respected. And there for the people that were and are still getting peer pressured, they should decide for themselves if they really want it or not, to stop letting other people decide for them.
1. Female/male
2. Age
3. What type of alcoholic beverage do you drink? (Vodka) (Tequila) (Something else) (Nothing at all)
4. What cigarettes do you smoke? (Belmont) (Dunhill) (other) (Nothing at all)
5. Have you been in a state of Peer Pressure before?
6. Why do drink and/or smoke if you do?
7. Why don´t you drink and/or smoke if you don´t?
8. Do your parents let you do it?
9. Do you smoke or drink because you like it, or you just want yourself to seem cool?
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