Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Psychology is the study of human behavior through the mind. How people act and behave depending on their surroundings and environment. People have always been interested in the behaviors, and thoughts of human beings. There are different ways of learning psychology, one of them called introspection, which means looking within.

One of Plato´s students, Greek philosopher with the name of Aristotle, raised many questions. Aristotle outlined the laws of associationism, which are still at the heart of learning theory more than 2,000 years later. The other way of learning psychology is functionalism, functionalists were concerned with how mental processes help organisms adapt to their environment. They stressed the application of their findings to everyday situations.

There is also something called Perspectives and there a variety of different perspectives, each one with their own thoughts and beliefs. Biological, emphasizes the influence on our behavior made by the nervous system, hormones and genes. Sociocultural, studies the influences of ethnicity, gender and culture. Evolutionary, Effects everything you do and have, Inherited influence behavior from the surroundings. Psychoanalytic, Stresses the influence of unconsciousness forces on a human. Sigmund freud followed this perspectives, which he believed it was sexual impulses. Learning,a learning perspective is concerned on what you do, learning by observing others and adapting to a type of environment. Humanistic, Helps people explore their feeling to realize to manage negative impulses and their potential. Cognitive, which is how people perceive information on what we know as the mind. Thoughts played in determining behavior.   

The most interesting perspective is the Psychoanalytic perspective 
because it states that we humans stress influence based on our sexual impulses we have, which we are not conscious of.
In conclusion, psychology is the knowledge and the study about the human mind, how we think, act and react based on what we learn form all around us.

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