Monday, November 11, 2013

Chapter 7: Memory

Memory is the process by which we collect prior experiences and information and skills learned in the past. One way to classify memory is according to the different kinds of information t contains, events, general knowledge and skills.

There are three different types of memory; Episodic memory, is memory of a specific event. Then there is Semantic memory; is general knowledge that people remember, for example that George Washington is the president of the United states, or counting from one through ten. Explicit memory are things that are clearly stated or explained. Then there is another one called, Implicit memory, which is the memory that carries things that are implicit or implied, basically not clearly stated. Also there is something called flashbulb memories, these are the important events that we always remember with every detail, just like a photograph.

There is also three processes of memory. Encoding, which is the translation of information into a form in where it can be stored. Storage is the second process; This consists in the maintenance of encoded information on a period of time. The third and last memory process is Retrieval; consists of locating stored information and returning it to conscious thought.

Three stages of memory. Sensory memory is the first stage of memory, it consists of the immediate initial recording of information that enters through our senses. Then there is short memory, it transfers information here into this memory, also called "working memory" The third and final stage of memory of information is when you want to remember something more than just briefly, meaning something longer and more complex.

After that there is forgetting and memory improvement. First the basic memory tasks, which are Recognition, Recall, and Relearn. Recognition involves identifying objects or events that have been encountered before. Recall is the second memory task, and it means to bring back to mind. Finally the third memory task; Relearning, which literally means to learn again. Then forgetting involves Repression and amnesia which both are involved with forgetting experiences. Then improving can be improved with practice, relating things that you already know. construct links, form unusual associations; meaning to think weird and unusual ways to improve memory.

To conclude, memory is a very complex process controlled by the human mind, it has a-lot of specific things involve to it, its a very complex and mysterious process used to for memory. This process of memory involves different types of processes, starting from the different types of memory, to the three different types of processes, stages of memory, and ending with all ways we can improve our memory or even forget make us forget things.

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